Yay! I finally have a job on campus! Well, technically, I got the job about a month ago. But the people I was supposed to work with didn't happen.
My job is being a Learning Partner at the Language Resource and Writing Center. This Center is part of the library on campus, and it is there to assist people in writing papers, doing assignments, etc. Learning Partners are people who are assigned to students who need help in writing. Most of them are international students. Because English is not their native language, sometimes they need a little extra assistance to translate their thoughts into proper English for their papers. Some also want to brush up on their English speaking skills.
So apparently I was chosen to be a Learning Partner based on my writing sample. This summer, all incoming students had to do a writing sample so that the school would know where we are in our writing. I was really annoyed at having to do this, since it was homework and I wasn't even in school yet! But I must have written it ok, since when I got here, I got an email asking me if I wanted to apply to be a Learning Partner.
Pretty much, if you got that email and applied, you got the job. They gave each of us the names of people who we should work with. One of my original people did not really need to go to tutoring....even the Center said so. The other one never responded to my initial email to set up a meeting. But last week I was given two more names and i met with both of them today. One of them is a ThM student and the other is a PhD student, working on her dissertation.
So I am going to meet with each of them, weekly or biweekly, depending on their needs and help them make sure their papers are in good form (hopefully better than that sentence is! :) ) I'm excited and a bit nervous....me? helping someone with her DISSERTATION????
Oh, and as long as I remember to turn in my hours, I will get paid. :)
Congratulations! I find it so hard to say how to make things better in writing. My youngest sister often sends me her papers and I'll highlight sections and just say I don't know what's wrong but fix it because it stinks! I don't think you are supposed to say that if they're paying you though. Good luck on the campus job and school in general.