Tuesday, March 13 was Final Evaluation Day. We had to complete a self-evaluation. The document had the specific CPE goals. After each one, there were four levels, and we were to check one of them, where we thought we were. We then had some questions to answer to elaborate on why we checked what we checked. The original document was 4 pages long. My completed one, after nearly 3 hours at Regenstein, ended up being 9. In small font, single spaced.
So we got to the office on Wednesday and printed our evaluations and made copies for everyone. We then went to Bishop Anderson House, which is a department at Rush in the building behind where the RHHV department is. Mary brought us some fruit, scones, cinammon rolls and orange juice for breakfast.
As the coffee was being made, Mary asked us who wanted to go first. I said "I call last place!" So I went last.
The three of us each spent about an hour reading our evaluation. We then had time for feedback from each other over what we had written, and Mary gave feedback and asked some questions. We took a short break between each one and we were done by about 12:30.
So then we went to lunch. We walked down Taylor Street and found Hawkeye's Bar & Grill. The others had made some other suggestions, but since I'm picky, I said no to all of them. :) But the food was GOOD! I still have some leftovers, actually. It was a really good lunch, just the four of us talking and eating.
We got back to Rush at a little after 2:00 and went home.
Wednesday afternoon, we had Cirriculum Evaluation, where we met with Joann, one of the other CPE advisors. We had a sheet to fill out that listed all of the activities we had done and we rated them and made comments. We took about an hour discussing our unit, what had been good, what we learned, what could be changed. We also had a conversation with her about where we should eat for Play Day.....since Jen is picky. She called me an 'anomoly' when I told her I wouldn't eat tomatoes or cucumbers but that I'd wanted to go skydiving for Play Day (I was informed that was not in the budget)
All in all, evaluations were good.
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