Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Spring Semester and On-Call #2

Yesterday was January 30. First day of the Spring Semester at LSTC. Because of CPE, I had to switch my classes around a bit. I did not take a J-Term and focused solely on CPE in January. This semester, I am taking two classroom classes, Lutheran Confessional Heritage and Worship. I am also taking two online classes, Church History II and Life and Letters of Paul. So I will be in class for 6 hours a week, 3 on Monday, 3 on Wednesday. So I am going to have to make up that time that I will miss in CPE. I have already made up some of it by participating in the Tower move and the Memorial service, so hopefully, I can make up all the rest by doing one extra oncall.

Online classes do not require being in class at any specific time. However, it appears that they are actually going to be more work than classes in a classroom. For both of my online classes, We have loads of reading each week. Then we are divided into groups and we each need to answer a specific question. Then we all have to respond to each other's answers. In Paul, we also have to do a weekly reflection and a weekly Greek translation (my favorite.......NOT). In history, we also have two tests, a research paper, and three (two??) 5 page reflections.

I feel that I am going to be really tired up until March 15.

Yesterday I also had my second 24-hour oncall at the hospital. Well, slightly shorter than 24, since I had class in the AM. Anyway. It was a pretty quiet oncall. Though I spent a lot of time with one particular family who had just had a 24 week baby. I baptized that baby last night, in her incubator with LOTS of her family. My first baptism! It went just fine and it was an honor to be there.

It was quiet the rest of the night and in the AM, I got a page for someone who wanted to see me before his procedure. Often people will just want the chaplain to come and pray before surgery. I walked into the guy's room and he looks at me and says "You're not a Catholic priest!!" I looked at him and said "No, I'm not." Well, he didn't want me. He wanted a Catholic priest. So I told him there would be one here later today and he said that he would wait for him. Ok.

Mike and I then had to do Verbatims today, which are written transcripts and analysis of a conversation we have had with a patient. Mike's birthday was today, so he, Nick and I ate lunch together before I went home. And promptly crashed for three hours.

While I know the next six weeks will fly by because I will be so busy, I also think they are going to be incredibly exhausting. Anyone want to send me on vacation to a nice relaxing beach in early April??? :-)

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